Yes, thanks to Jim and his lovely wife Jessie I was able to recover my blog after I accidently deleated it due to a brain melt down. When your moma tells you not to push that button you better listen.
Special thanks to Jim for doing all the work to get it back for me.
Jessie, thanks for the moral support and being the nice person you are.
Now I just need to get back to the sillyness that keeps me sane and share it with the world. LOL :)
Posted by Eric Von Zipper at October 26, 2005 09:15 AM | TrackBackThats what friends are for.:-)
Let me know when you find your silliness that keeps you sane back.I could use a piece of that.Depression hit me this week,ain't funny anymore.Yuck,Yuck and BLAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I feel ya babe.
The last two weeks have not been good for me either. First one thing then another. Being sick did not help a thing. Winter is creeping in and that has lifted my spirits because I love winter.
Now, if I can get past the high gas bills this winter I'll be happy.
Here's to better days :)
Posted by: Sompopo at October 26, 2005 03:16 PMIts Humpday!Lets have a few......I swear I have some left in the back of the fridge....ahhh....there they are!
Here, I found some too. Cheers to you Jessie.
A toke of the magic smoke for ya also. :)
Ok....about that Toke....Thats just getting rediculous....GIMME SOME!!!!!!LOLLOL
Posted by: The Brat at October 26, 2005 07:48 PMYou got it girl. The next time you see me your wish will come true, indeed.
Posted by: sompopo at October 26, 2005 08:04 PMI didn't meant to hint but..hey OK....accepted.