December 01, 2005

Weekly Rant!

My first weekly rant is about people who are inconsiderate and clueless when around other people.

Last night the wife and I went to Walmart (yes I shop at Walmart form time to time) to shop for a cordless phone. I would say the number of shoppers were moderate. After finding the phone we wanted we proceeded through the store to find a few other items we needed. Everyone knows that from time to time the isle you need to get to is crowded with people so you either wait for it to clear out or you go around and try to enter the isle from the other end. Once you get into the isle inevitably there is someone standing and looking at items on the shelf right where you need to be. I for one will wait until the person is finished instead of reaching around in front of them because I find this to be rude.

Of course if I am standing there looking at an item 9 times out of ten some inconsiderate asshole will either reach around or in front of me or expect me to move by saying "excuse me". At this point I will either say " I will be done in a minute" or think to myself how much I would like to elbow the asshole. I mean who the hell died and made them God?

Another thing that irritates the hell out of me are people, who when in the isle with or without a cart will stop right in the middle of the isle to talk or check their list or whatever completely clueless or not, that they are blocking the isle. This happened to us last night. A rather large woman stops right in the middle of the isle and is checking her list. I stand there a second or two and realize she isn't going to move. Under my breath but loud enough for her to hear I say "can't this inconsiderate asshole tell she is blocking the isle" and then proceeded to walk around her to continue on. My wife asked me "did you see the look she gave you?" to which I replyed "I do not give a damn, she should not be so inconsiderate to others and block the isle like she is doing. Believe it or not I looked back a few seconds later and she was still standing there with people going around her to get by.

What in the hell is the deal with these people? They are either clueless or inconsiderate or just plane do not care about anyone or anything around them. Of course these scenario's can be found in other vestiges of life also.

I notice this type of behavior is much more prevalent today than in years past so to these people I say "you may get away with treating your fellow man in this manner most of the time, but there will come a day when you try it with me and that will be the day you fucked with the wrong person".

I am so sick and tired of this attitude among people today. Respect me and I will respect you otherwise you can KISS MY WHITE MODERATE HAIRY ASS.

Of course I am not white but rather cream colored.

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at December 1, 2005 03:03 PM | TrackBack

Ok...I am sorry to put this here but I ca not get through to you by email.:-(
Keep getting those emails from Bellsouth saying the delivery is delayed....blah blah...same I showed you the other day.:-((

Posted by: The Brat at December 1, 2005 04:25 PM

Now to the actual comment...I really know what you mean.Respect is something thats not easy to find anymore.Even I have adpated to the rudeness to this world.But genrally in the store I am trying to at least add "would you mind if I...thank you very much" to the "excuse me" part.

Posted by: The Brat at December 1, 2005 04:26 PM

You're only cream colored when you're sober. When you're good and snookered you're more of a poached salmon.

I don't think there are more of these people than years ago. It's just that the stores are bigger and fewer now so your chances of running into them have gone up dramatically.

Posted by: Jim at December 2, 2005 05:28 AM

Poached salmon, yea thats it LOL. :)

Looking back during the 60s and 70s when I was growing up people seemed alot nicer and attitudes were different toward others. Of course It was different time also, so there ya go. :)

Posted by: sompopo at December 2, 2005 08:28 AM

Thats because when we were at that age (I mean when I was a kid in the 70s) we still got smacked upside the head for missbehaving in public,or in general.The generation after us gets away with murder.

Posted by: The Brat at December 2, 2005 12:30 PM


Posted by: fjdh at July 23, 2009 02:50 AM