December 17, 2006

Practice What You Preach!

We have all run across people at some point in our lives that thought they knew everything but in actuality know very little. These are the same people who think they have life all figured out but in reality they cannot even figure out their own lives. They are so insecure with their lives that they feel they have to tell you how to run yours thinking you are stupid enough to listen to their ignorance. Lets say it is a coworker and you have been listening to their in cohesive babble for some time. Then, one day it happens, you have had enough and decide it is time to call them on it. You finally stand your ground and let them know that you will no longer listen to their BS. They become offended and turn on you like a wild animal, yelling and screaming at you as if you were a child. You let them know that you will not tolerate that kind of behavior any longer. The only thing they can come back with is "OK you know everything, whatever". With a comeback like that you realize you have been dealing with someone who's life is such a shambles they just cannot cope with life in general much less anything else but yet, they think they have the right to tell others what is right and wrong.

If you cannot Practice what you Preach then please "Shut The Fuck Up". Go waste your time somewhere else. Speaking of wasting time, don't you have better things to do than to Waste your time trying to tell everybody else what they should be doing? Isn't a good waste of time going to the store and getting the wrong thing and then have to waste time taking it back because you were in to big of a rush to take your time and make sure you had the right thing to begin with? Isn't it a waste of time to spend alot of the day looking for your keys because you can never remember where you laid them last? People like this really need to take a good look in the mirror before they start condemning others but then these people are so self centered and so full of themselves they cannot see the forest for the trees. Everything that has gone wrong in their lives is always something or somebody else's fault, never their own. They are insecure, indecisive and incompetent. They are better not to be messed with or they will turn on you in a heartbeat. Sooner or later they will fuck with the wrong person and all their problems will be over sooner than later.

Just when you think you know someone, you really do not know them at all.

Most of all, if you are one of these people do us all a favor and,

Practice What You Preach and quit Wasting our time.

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at December 17, 2006 10:15 PM | TrackBack

Somehow I can not agree more with you.
I think I have been at times like this,too.When you wire it like this,it makes me realize what an asshole I am when I do this and how nasty this is towards others.
Thanks Wally.:-)
Gave me something to think about.
I hope this person you are writing about realizes it too one day?

Hey how are you all doing?????How is Flor????

Posted by: The Brat at December 18, 2006 10:49 AM

Yea, I just had to get that off my chest. :-)

Posted by: Sompopo at December 18, 2006 02:09 PM