March 21, 2007

Good Money After Bad!

Yesterday several counties here in Atlanta voted for a 1 cent sales tax increase for Government schools. The mindless mindset of the voters is that the more money you pour into government schools the better your children will be for it. Government schools are just that, schools that are run by the government which in turn hires teachers which are regulated by a teachers union. Government schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers in which your children will learn to become socialized in believing that big government is good and government will take care of you. Karl Marx said in the Communist Manifesto that all children should have free education which would be controlled by government. This of course would effectively destroy individualism. God forbid anyone have more than another. Why be all you can be? After all government will take care of you and give you everything you need. Socialism folks, thats all this is. Generation after generation will be indoctrinated in these government run schools until one day government will have complete control over your lives. So, no matter how much money you pour into the school system your child will come out a tool of the government and industry too.

Race plays an important part in the outcome of these elections weather you want to admit it or not. DeKalb County Georgia is majority Negro and Latino and are hard core government followers. Its no surprise the outcome of the voting here. Its never going to end folks and you know why? because none of you will do nothing to stop it. You will continue to be led around like good little doggies and the government is holding all the leashes. You voted for it, now you have to deal with it.


Posted by Eric Von Zipper at March 21, 2007 03:16 PM | TrackBack

The reason Negros and Latinos are so damn pro-government is because they always get everything.Just play a bit stupid and accept all the hand-outs.In return Uncle Sam will baby you and quiet frankly,rule your life.Since these are stupid,ignorant individuals,they can't do better,they need to be babied,they are idiots!Same with people who send their kids to school.They want us to belive that they do not have a choice.PHA!Sorry to say that,but maybe they are just too damn stupid or lazy to raise their own kids?I mean whats more convinient than to have others take care of them?That way you also can blame others on the way they turn out.
Its amazing that it took me a life time and 6 kids to see all this shit!
Schools will never be good for kids.Nor will the government ever be.
I think all them socialists need to have their head banged against the wall,maybe then they'll wake up from that nightmare they are causing people who hate this shit!

Posted by: The Brat at March 21, 2007 04:13 PM

Mabie not In my lifetime but sooner rather than later the people of this country are going to realize they fucked up by letting all this happen. Then it will be to late to do anything about it. Whats next? a civil war.

Posted by: sompopo at March 22, 2007 08:29 AM