April 07, 2007

The Flibby Flip!

The people of New York City have always had a reputation for not being the nicest people in the world. As a matter of fact when you ask people what they think of people from New York City you will most likely get the answer "assholes" or "dicks". I am sure this description does not fit all people from New York City (as there are always exceptions to the rule) but their reputation most certainly precedes them. I was over at flibbertigibbet a couple of days ago and read a post about a woman and her two teenage daughters who were visiting New York City from Tennessee. From what I read New Yorkers are not very fond of tourist who stop on the sidewalks to sightsee and if you are from the south you are considered an idiot. Especially if you happen to stop on the sidewalk to look at something. The post ran like this:

Suit #1: For the love of God, move, you idiots! There are people walking behind you!

Tourist mom: You don't have to be so rude!

Suit #2: He's rude? You clearly see this is a busy sidewalk, and yet you stop dead in the middle and block all traffic!

Tourist mom: He didn't have to say it so rude -- we are not from around here!

Suit #1: And does that somehow excuse your being idiots and stopping in the middle of a busy street?

Tourist mom: At least we are not so rude in Tennessee!

Suit #2: That explains the idiocy, but it still isn't an excuse.

Tourist mom: That was unnecessary!

Suit #1: Perhaps, but it's true.

Suit #2: Here, maybe this is more polite: Welcome to New York. Slow walking idiots prone to stopping for no reason stay to the fucking right of busy sidewalks, and don't get in the way of the non-mentally impaired locals. Now fuck off.

First of all, if the three woman did stop in the middle of the sidewalk and these two fucking assholes ran into them, then the two fucking assholes should have been watching were the hell they were going. They were most likely playing with each other or talking on there cute little cell phones instead of paying attention to what was going on around them. Did the woman deserve to be called idiots? Of course not. Did the fact that they were from Tennessee make them idiots? Of course not. The fact here is that these two jackass's found it necessary to make bigoted statements toward the three woman because they were woman. I doubt very seriously they would have reacted the same way had it been three grown men from Tennessee. Its much easier for men to belittle woman than it is for men to belittle men. Clearly these two suit wearing assholes had issues and yelling at woman makes them feel macho. Macho being a relative term.

Now we come to the person who made the post. He used to live here in the south and moved to New York about a year or so ago. I responded to the post by saying this "The morel of the story is......just because you wear a suit does not mean you have any class". Boy did that get Flibby panties in a wad. His response was this:

"I would say that the moral of the story is "Just because you walk upright doesn't mean you have a brain."
I hate those dip shits who stop in the middle of the sidewalk and I'm glad those guys stuck it to them. It's just like the people who stop at the top of the subway stairs to look around.
The mom and kids are clearly in the wrong here."

Who the fuck is he to be judging people. He lives in New York City after all. Another poster added his distaste on the subject and of course Flibby responds by saying this:

"You're mistaken: No one is surprised that there are tourists or tourists acting like jackasses. It's a common enough situation. This isn't shock and awe you're seeing. It's justified anger and frustration.
Those tourists were probably walking more slowly than the rest of traffic and walking shoulder to shoulder, too.
They were being dicks and shit-heads first.
This galls me in all contexts: people who act completely oblivious to other people and their surroundings.
These are the same people who leave their candy wrappers and cups in the movie theater. These people litter. They stop to talk to their friends in a narrow hall or doorway. They stop short on busy sidewalks. They walk to the front of long lines and pretend to be confused when someone tells them to go to the back -- but sometimes they're successful in cutting in line. They're people who drive slowly in the left lane. They're people who speed up to keep others from passing. They talk loudly on their cell phone in stores and elevators. They're people who wait for 10 minutes in line at McDonald's and still don't know what they want when they get to the cashier.
They're assholes.
These are people whose discourtesy is so extreme that it can only be borne of willful, practiced negligence and stupidity.
It isn't relevant that those two suits had to stop to make their point to that idiot woman and those window-licker children.
The suits didn't stop because they felt it was their duty. They did it because they were rightfully angry at those people for being so rude.
You can try to be polite if you want to, but it's not required. And it's more likely that being polite will not effectively educate the offenders.
I promise: those boobs won't soon forget their encounter with those suits and what caused it.
Further, the reputation that New Yorkers are dicks is misapplied. I've found them to be generally quiet but direct people. They are quick to anger, yes, but I have yet to see a New Yorker yell at anyone for no reason or be rude to someone who wasn't already being an ass-hats".

This goes on for a few more post. Both battling it out in cyberspace. Here is the kicker, both I and the other poster have been banned from posting on his flipping blog for disagreeing with him. Thats right folks he can dish it out but he cannot take it. This little pantie waste moves to New York City and within a year or so becomes a fucking asshole dick just like the rest of them. Congratulations on your promotion to being a Grade-A-Asshole Flibby.

Just who is the real idiot here anyway. Grow the fuck up.

By the way Flibby, if you do find and read this post you can be sure I will not ban you for disagreeing. :-)

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at April 7, 2007 02:41 PM | TrackBack

I don't think up north they have ever heard of Southern politeness....
Its too damn cold up there,too many grey days,thats why they all get so grumpy there.
Used to live there myself......it ain't a lie!Northerners are RUDE!

Posted by: The Brat at April 10, 2007 10:55 AM

I just think he should pratice what he preaches.

Posted by: sompopo at April 10, 2007 11:11 AM