May 08, 2007

Killer Gets A Pass!

Carter Arnold Jr and a friend decided to go on a killing spree here in Atlanta GA back in 1969. They killed six people including a 12 year old boy and a war veteran named Danial DuLac who had only been home from Vietnam six months when Arnold shot him in the chest with a shotgun. Arnold was eventually convicted of three of the murders including DuLac. He was sentenced to five life terms for the murders. You are not going to believe this but two years ago the Georgia board of pardons and parole let him go. He was sent to an aftercare home where he quickly got into trouble for not following the rules and his parole was revoked. He was sent back to prison.

Now for the second (you won't believe this) time The Georgia board of pardons and parole are letting him out next Tuesday from a Georgia prison. Will the madness in this country ever stop. How long before this murderer kills again?

Stay Tuned..........

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at May 8, 2007 10:03 AM | TrackBack

Well hell........I bet they will not pardon me for a DUI I never commited.....its such a fair system,gotta love it!
I am pissed....

Posted by: The Brat at May 8, 2007 12:33 PM

You are probably right. After all DUI is alot worse than Murder.

Posted by: sompopo at May 8, 2007 01:21 PM