June 05, 2007

This is your future America!

Either you wake up to this anti-American behavior and fight it or you will be living it.

This same behavior is prevalent at the so called immigration rallies.

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at June 5, 2007 02:03 PM | TrackBack

I thought anti-American actions where punnishable by law?????

Posted by: The Brat at June 5, 2007 03:25 PM

Nope. We all have the freedom to express our opinion and the freedom of Assembly. Those who live here and treat our flag disrespectfully such as those in the video are the ones you really have to watch out for. Most people in this country just do not care anymore and because of that people like those in the video will take advantage of it. Its only the beginning of worse things to come I am afraid.

Posted by: sompopo at June 5, 2007 04:59 PM