May 23, 2006

Yard Sales!

Well, we had another yard sale this past weekend and we came out $170.00 to the good. There are two main reasions for a yard sale. One, is to make a little money selling things you just do not use or need anymore and second, is to get rid of the stuff. Kill two birds with one stone as they say. We have had several of these yard sales in the past five years or so and the one constant thing I have noticed in all of them is the people who come to check out your wares. There are several types of yard sale shoppers.

1. Shoppers who come by looking for one specific item. They take one look around, don't see the specific item and leave.

2. Shoppers who come by not looking for anything particular but find something they want and buy it without questioning the price. (I like those)

3. Shoppers from another land who cannot speak much if any english and want you to explain what a certin item is or does but you can't because they do not understand a damn thing you are saying. They just keep noding their head up and down like they understand and smile. Leave without nothing. ( Learn English Damit)

4. Shoppers who come in large groups so as to keep you distracted with one so the others can steal something. (Low-Life-Belly-Crawlers)

5. Shoppers who come hoping to find a deal but also like to meet people and converse with you awhile. (They always leave with something)

6. Shoppers who come with their kids only to let them run around and get into everything and you end up being the babysitter.

7. Last but not least the shopper who comes a bitches about the prices you have on your items. How many times I have heard them say " I can get this at the store new cheaper than this". My response " Go to the store and buy it then". (These are the people who always want something for nothing).

All in all yard sales are fun weather you have them or go to them. Its a treasure hunt and we all know that one mans trash is another mans treasure.

Happy Hunting!

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at May 23, 2006 12:09 PM | TrackBack

There was a third reason too....Chillin!
It was awesome.Now you really need to post about the "inbreeds".hehehehe

Posted by: The Brat at May 23, 2006 12:31 PM

I enjoyed just hangin out,lazy bumming arround,peace,quiet,good people and then seeing lots of strange people.LOL
Man,you need to write about the "inbreeds"!!!

Posted by: The Brat at May 24, 2006 08:51 AM

Ok,this is messed up.....the first comment I posted yesterday but it told me because of a spamattck it did not post it.And hell I will be damned it was not there this morning!I went on your site and the comments button says ZERO.And hell it still says ZERO eventho there are 3 comments now!

Posted by: The Brat at May 24, 2006 08:53 AM

Ever see the movie Deliverence? That is exactly what that group of people reminded me of.

Just Damn!

Posted by: sompopo at May 24, 2006 09:02 AM