While we're talking about the war against Islamic fascism, and the myrmidons who don't seem to recognize that we're even at war, let's not forget the largest Democrat voting block out there. There are tens of millions of Americans who have refused to accept the responsibilities of adulthood. These are Americans who will profess their love of freedom, but when it comes time to face the responsibilities they take a quick powder.
These Americans are unwilling to accept the responsibility for developing their own job skills and finding a job. They run from the responsibility of educating their children. In fact, many of them don't even feel it is their responsibility to provide for the care of their own children when they're off at their jobs! These Americans feel that their health care is someone else's responsibility too --- either their employer or the government. And God forbid that they should ever be held responsible for planning and funding their own retirement.
Every day these Americans wake up with one primary thought in mind. What can the government do today to relieve me of the responsibility for taking care of my own life.
These people will vote Democrat. There is nothing that will change their minds. Making sure that government continues to play the role of Mommy and Daddy to these voters was their primary motivation the last time the voted, and it will be their primary motivation tomorrow.
Put them together with those who despise economic liberty, those who believe America is great because of its government, those who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Compassion Syndrome and those who see peace at any price, and tomorrow shapes up to be a disaster for our liberties and our security.
Why in the hell do we let these people vote anyway?
This excerpt from Boortz.com
Posted by Eric Von Zipper at November 6, 2006 11:16 AM | TrackBack