The Democratic socialist party will most likely gain control of the house and the senate today. Those of you who voted just to get back at Bush or the right will inevitably choke on that vote. You have sold your soul and your country out. Bend over and kiss the money in your wallet goodby as well as your freedoms and your countrys security. It has always been said to be careful what you wish for. Never has that statement been more true until now.
Posted by Eric Von Zipper at November 7, 2006 09:55 AM | TrackBackAre you going to vote today?
I Am not allowed too.......but I don't think I want to anyways.Politics are an asshole!
They say that those who don't vote have no voice. I feel that I can voice my opinion weather I vote or not because my opinion only matters to me and no one else. Yes, politics are slowley destroying this country and after today it will only get worse. You think things have been a nightmare up until now? Just wait until the Democrats take control. Don't you know that the Islamic Extremest are loving this. The weaker we become the easier it will be for them to walk all over us. I could go on and on but whats the point?
Posted by: sompopo at November 7, 2006 01:20 PMThey raised me in the belive that if you do not vote,you give your voice to the party thats less desired.Now what a bunch of crap is that????
I only voted once in my life,when I turned 18,because I was finally allowed too and it was cool.So I voted,the party I voted for did not win,does that mean if I would not have gone voting,they would have?Or