January 22, 2007

A dark Day For America!

The most vile, vicious and dangerous politician in the United States has thrown her hat into the presidential race for 2008. Of course this is no surprise to anyone unless you have been living in a hole for the last several years. This is the woman who tried to implement a health care plan that would have made it a crime to seek medical care by hiring your own doctor with your own money. The same woman who lied about the Rose Law Firm papers that she knew nothing about only to have them turn up in her private quarters with her fingerprints and handwriting all over them. The same woman who loathes the military and had US Marines in their dress blues serving cheese and crackers at many of her functions. The same woman that believes Americans get their rights from government. Need I go on?

This woman is a pathological lier and will stop at nothing to gain political power. An anti-individual who while discussing her socialized health care plan with republican congressmen in 1993 said " We need to stop thinking about the individual and start thinking about what is best for society". She will put the common good above individual rights and that my friends is wrong.

If the Hilda beast is able to gain political power by becoming president of the United States and the democratic party continues to gain political power then the people of this country will have no one to blame but themselves for allowing the socialization of the United States of America. No longer will we be a republic and the word freedom will be a thing of the past.

This could be a very dark time for America.

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at January 22, 2007 10:41 AM | TrackBack

There are many things that scare me about this woman.Like I said..one reason we left NY was because she got elected and things changed for the worst.I am not quite convinst that she has any chance of becoming president other then that this would be a first woman president and I already see all the female activists and shit faces go vote for her JUST FOR THAT.
I might sound naive but other then that I do not think she has a chance in hell,provided people use their common sense when voting.Which of course is in many cases too much to ask for.
I already have visons of once again Ballot battles and wrong counts....

Posted by: The Brat at January 22, 2007 12:18 PM

They sure as hell cannot vote for her on her record. If nothing else they vote for her based on emotion and nothing more. Right now she has a 44% disapproval rating but how much that will change in the next year and a half is anybodys guess. Lets hope that percentage grows.

Posted by: sompopo at January 22, 2007 12:30 PM

It was like that in NY....everyone was against her,not a damn positive thing you heard or say ANYWHERE.YEt she got elected?WTF???

Posted by: The Brat at January 22, 2007 01:16 PM

Because she is the Helda Beast and she is a woman. Just remember that her woman abuseing husband received alot of the womans vote because they thought he was good looking. Go figure.
Its scarry to think that these people are allowed to vote.

Posted by: sompopo at January 22, 2007 01:41 PM

We just had this discussion now on one of my groups.They ALL think shes going to win.No one will really say why they think so but they all think she will.

Posted by: The Brat at January 22, 2007 04:45 PM

The fact she is a woman is fueling most of those sentiments. She carries to much bad baggage to be seriously considered as president of this country. People who think and are not blinded by emotion will not vote for her. She is a socialist after all.

Posted by: sompopo at January 22, 2007 05:21 PM

Couldn't agree more. Hillary is evil!

Posted by: PoliticalCritic at February 1, 2007 12:11 PM