March 06, 2007

More Government Bullshit!

Now we have the City Of forest Park Georgia (cess pool of the south) handing out $168.00 tickets for warming up your car in the morning unattended. If this isn't the biggest bunch of bullshit that I have heard of lately. Their lame excuse is that it will help prevent auto theft or the car accidentally rolling forward or back-wards. Supposedly the law has been around for 33 years and they just now decided to start enforcing it. In reality it is just another little piece of your freedom being taken away while they legally extort your money.

How Patheitic........

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at March 6, 2007 06:04 PM | TrackBack

Man you effing beat me to that one )saw it this morning on but had to go to KidsClub and then later take care of all kinds of stuff!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I still post on it IF I get free today??????????LOL

Yup......I am there and scared.......God help me for I am ME!
Love y'all!!

Posted by: The Brat at March 7, 2007 02:06 AM

Yes you may.:-)

Don't be to scared. I doubt you will be going to jail today. Probably probation and a fine. Who knows mabie a slap on the wrist and go home. Lets hope so.:-)

Posted by: sompopo at March 7, 2007 08:35 AM