March 12, 2007


In all my years of living I have never had a flu shot because I just did not feel the need for it. Sure, I become ill now and then but don't we all. The past several days I have been down with some form of flu which included fever, body achs, cough, stuffy head and no appetite. It seems the older I get the longer it takes to get over it. Its hell, and I wonder if mabie I should start taking flu shots every year? Mabie so, but I can tell you one thing, when you are that sick you will almost do anything to make it stop. Thank goodness for Nyquil,Tylenol and nasal spray. Most of all, thank goodness for my wife who nursed me through the whole ordeal.

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at March 12, 2007 10:50 AM | TrackBack

Yuck man!I hope you are feeling better by now!
The shot........years ago I had it once and boy did I get sick from that shot!It was worse than the actual flu,eventho they claim you only get a mild form of it after the shot.The kids,all three got sick from it,too.ITs a tricky thing,too.When they finally have a shot for one sort of flu string,the next one comes and they have to keep making new shots.Not sure but are we supposed to end up with about 20 needles to cover all the flu strings?I hope one day they come up with a better way then the shot or that nose vaccine!

Posted by: The Brat at March 13, 2007 08:00 AM

I am feeling a little better today. It's not 100% gone but close. I went outside yesterday for the first time in 4 days and it was nice. I think I got this shit from Jerry because he and his wife had it before me and he is only one I had contact with right after that. So, I am blaming him. I just hope Flor does not get it. I am still not sure I will ever get a flu shot unless my age dictates it.

Posted by: sompopo at March 13, 2007 09:25 AM

I belive they recommend it to people with weakend immune systems or conditions that could become deadly with any kind of heavy desease outbreak in the body.
But I am trying to outweight the pros and cons.Considering how often one gets the flu (me for one only gets it maybe every 5-10 years) I wonder how much worth the shot is?For people like Flor I would probably say its better to go get the shot and not to risk anything.
At least you feel better and the weather is just AWESOME!!!!
Booo for Jerry!I'll kick his ass next time I'll see him.LOL

Posted by: The Brat at March 14, 2007 09:01 AM

I usually don't get it very often either but when I do, it puts me on my ass for sure. If I were working there would be a problem because my employer might have something to say about a 4 or 5 day lay out. Probably one good reasion to have the shot, so you won't loose your job. :-(

Posted by: sompopo at March 14, 2007 10:34 AM