March 28, 2007


Some teachers at a private school in Seattle have banned the use of Legos in class by children. The reason? It turns out the children had developed a Lego town and were learning about capitalism. The teachers couldn't have this, so they banned the Legos...because they wanted the students to learn that owning private property was evil. They also said that Lego town had become a class-based, capitalist society and they (the teachers) believed that was unjust and oppressive. This is what your precious cargo is learning when you drop them off in the morning.

Now, this is what you would expect from your friendly neighborhood government school, not a private one. But this does show you that every facet of education is being infected with socialist liberals. So here is just an example of the nonsense that the kids who attend the Hilltop Children's Center in Seattle are being programmed with:

The teachers decided that the children's assumptions about owning private property "mirrored those of a class-based, capitalist society, a society that we teachers believe to be unjust and oppressive." That's right, they actually said this.

After these kids displayed such horrifying tendencies with their Lego town, the teachers decreed that "All structures are public structures" and "all structures will be standard sizes." Sound familiar? Somewhere Karl Marx is smiling.

The teachers said that in banning the Legos, "our intention was to promote a contrasting set of values: collectivity, collaboration, resource-sharing, and full democratic participation." If that doesn't send shivers down your spine, I don't know what would.

So there you have it...Socialism 101 being taught to young children who don't know better. But they do deserve points for their sudden burst of entrepreneurship with their Lego town. It's too bad it was accidentally demolished. Perhaps the teachers took it over through eminent domain and are building a communist re-education center

Excerpt From

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at March 28, 2007 09:18 AM | TrackBack

So can you actually hear me crinch????
I tell you one does surprize me that this comes from a private school.What does NOT surprise me is that is happend in WA state.I have been there.......these people are the worst Democrats,or maybe even....whatcha call'm?Liberals?? you have EVER encountered!So it doesn't surprise me that people actually pay to have their kids taught socialism..............

Posted by: The Brat at March 28, 2007 05:05 PM

Can you imagine generation after generation being taught this crap. What in the hell is wrong with people in this country. Why have they lost the love for freedom and sucess? Be carful what you wish for.

Posted by: sompopo at March 29, 2007 08:41 AM

Because they already have been raised by the government and lost their own sense of thinking.If at any given moment they would realize how bad this is,they would stop and start thinking like you and I our case the government has failed.Problem also is that people do not dare to come out and talk.They find it more comftable to hide between the rotten crowd and live that way,not realizing that they help thos idiots fuck up the next generation.I wonder if its not too late already anyways?
What more does it take to open their eyes???
DO I make any sense here?

Posted by: The Brat at March 29, 2007 09:28 AM

Makes sense to me. Of course half the people in this country have no sense so getting them to see where all this leads would be like pulling teeth.

Posted by: sompopo at March 29, 2007 10:03 AM