So now we have this jackass by the name of Cleve Molette standing on the street corner by the capital with chains on his ankles and a noose around his neck and he wants the state of Georgia to apologies for slavery. Considering the fact that there is not one living person in this state or anywhere else in the country that had anything to do with slavery, asking for an apology is ludicrous. Who the hell would the apology come from? These people need to get over it and quite hanging on to something they can do nothing about. After all it did happen over 200 years ago. A lot of bad things happened to many people in the history of this country. To try and hold people responsible today for things that happened long ago is ridiculous. I for one will not apologize for something I had nothing to do with, period.
Posted by Eric Von Zipper at March 29, 2007 09:18 AM | TrackBackDid I ever tell you about one of our old neighbors?She was black and as you know,I like the rebell flag.Granted,for me as a German,it does not mean more then that it looks cool and since some have a problem with it and I am a rebel...well there ya go,thats about all it is to me.So I got it as a license plate.SHE.....boy did she get pissed!Telling me shit about how it shows support of slavery and racesism,the white man doing this and that....blah blah....I flipped......look,Dude:
I am first generation German in the US.No one in my family,accept some far away 400 degree cousin of my grandpa,has ever imigrated to the US.Sure nuff not arround that time anyways.So how the fuck is any of this MY FAULT????How the hell do I have ANYTHING to do with it,much I really give a damn????
I don't think so.
They need to get over it.The Jews come the n*****S can't???????
They have not life and want to live of pitty,thats what it is.They are dumb,uneducated and stupid.Whine Whine Whine....and its all the white mans fault.
Screw that....kick'm back to Africa man!
The whole flag issue was really a non issue for me because after all its just a friggin piece of cloth. I had no problem with changing it.
As for slavery, it was a dark time in another time in America and I really felt for those people. They were treated like animals and no man should be treated in that way. There has been one form or the other of some type of slavery thru the history of time and it was all bad. Here, two hundred years or so later the Black (politicaly correct term) community for some reasion still holds on to the idea that all people should be held accountable to this day for it. That is so unrealistic considering no one alive today had anything to do with it. Are we to make England say they were sorry for the things they did when they ruled this country. I am just so over it but it really burns me when people cannot let things go and look to the future instead of always looking in the past. The past is done thats why its called the past.
Posted by: sompopo at March 29, 2007 11:07 AM