May 22, 2007



Yesterday Heritage released a special report written by Rector and Christine Kim titled "The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer.

You aren't going to hear very much about this report from the mainstream media. John McCain and Ted Kennedy, the architects of the amnesty bill, are going to do their best to ignore it.

So ... we'll tell you right here.

First .... There may be a common perception out there that these illegal aliens actually contribute to our economy by "doing the jobs that Americans won't do." Not so. Illegal alien households cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars a year. Try $89 billion.

The Heritage report points out that at least 50 percent and maybe as much as 60 percent of illegal alien households lack a high school education. This makes them low-skill households.

Here's where the numbers start to get interesting --- or depressing, if you will.

Do you know what a "distributional deficit" is? That's the difference between what you pay in taxes to government and what government spends on you and your household. The paper will give you the details, but low-skilled immigrant households in the U.S. received about $10,000 more in government benefits than does the average U.S. household. What's the figure? About $30,160 every year in immediate benefits and services for every low-skill immigrant household. To compound the distributional deficit, low-skill immigrant households pay less in taxes than do the average U.S. Households. These low-skill immigrant households pay about $10,573 a year in taxes. Subtract this from the amount government spends on them and you have a deficit of $19,588.

Let's carry these numbers for our wonderful illegal -- soon to be legal -- households out a few years. Rector says that the average adult lifespan for each head of household is about 60 years. The research shows that this distributional deficit will continue throughout this life span for low-skill immigrant households. The total? About $1.2 million for each low-skill immigrant household.

In 2004 there were 4.5 million low-skill immigrant households in the U.S. More math: Multiply the average net distributional deficit of $19,588 per household and you get a total deficit of $89.1 billion .... per year!

Ask yourself .. can this country afford this? Can we afford an amnesty bill that will legitimize and legalize these illegal-alien households, and millions more to come? No. The costs are financially unsustainable.

Why isn't this more of a part of the immigration debate?

Excerpt From

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at May 22, 2007 08:58 AM | TrackBack

Yeah they cost money put the ass.Just look at the schools.They already suck ass but won't spend a dime of our tax money to our kids so they get better educations.No,they spend it all on all them illegal kids in the school.Educate the stupid and stupify the smart.
Ah makes me sick overall,period.
Politcs suck,Governemtn suck.They all suck.
I am going fishing.....again.

Posted by: The Brat at May 23, 2007 02:20 PM

Oh wait here is another one that pisses me we make illegals legal and (obvioustly) it is all a sudden NOT a crime to enter the US illegaly (wired....says so on my immigration papers?Shit...I am German,so yeah I would commit a crime then I guess??).So we allow them to commit a crime,legally.
How come they take all other damn laws so serious?Like seatbelt laws,speeding....stupid shit like that?WE go to jail for shit but the big guys are out there and leech off our system.

Yeah......I am pissed.
Gone fishing now,for real....

Posted by: The Brat at May 23, 2007 02:25 PM

I am just mystified by it all. Laws apply to some but not all? What the hell is up with that?
More votes for the dems. Hold power and control the people. Fuck them.........

Posted by: sompopo at May 23, 2007 02:36 PM

It must be tough to live in a country of immigrants. C'est la vie!

Posted by: Rudy at May 30, 2007 07:55 PM

Oh yeah, what was the deficit when Clinton left the White House? I am sure there were immigrants then.

Posted by: Rudy at May 30, 2007 07:56 PM

To the contrary. As you know I am married to one. The difference is that she came here legally and followed the rule of law to be here. She also speaks english very well and respects this country and all it has afforded her. :-)

Posted by: sompopo at May 31, 2007 09:55 AM

While it may appear that he reduced the deficit his deficit reduction package ran up one trillion dollars in federal debt which we are still paying for years after he left office.

His $514 billion debt reduction added $936.5 billion to the gross national debt which continues to grow to this day.

Bill Clinton also conveniently failed to tell the American people that he financed his deficit reduction by refinancing long-term Federal Debt Securities with short-term securities. If interest rates are higher when those securities mature, both the deficit and budget will skyrocket and leave our children with economic problems we can't imagine.

Clinton shifted the burden of his so-called deficit reduction from his Administration to that of a later President. The CBO reported Clinton's 10-year "balanced budget plan" would leave a $209 billion deficit in 2005. And, nearly two-thirds of the spending cuts in his budget was postponed until the last two years of his seven year plan -- long after he was gone from office.

He also gave amnisty to many illegal immigrants for breaking our laws.

Posted by: sompopo at May 31, 2007 10:08 AM