Now we have some Christian nut-cases saying that there were Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark even though there is no proof that there ever was a Noah's Ark to begin with. They now have a 27 million dollar museum in Petersburg Kentucky called the "Creation Museum". It depicts the first book "Genesis" in that mythical fairy tail book called the Bible as the literal truth. I grew up believing in the bible because that is what my parents told me to believe in, but as I became older and able to think for myself those beliefs changed. I would consider myself more of an Agnostic these days. The whole story of the Bible is a little hard to swallow because it has more holes in it than a lonely street sign in south Georgia.
According to God fearing people the earth was created in 6 days about 6,000 years ago. That is sure to confuse millions of children who have been taught in government schools that the earth is actually 14 million years old. They also say that humans happily coexisted with the dinosaurs and Cain thought incest was best by marrying his sister. There is a soap opera I would love to see.
Believe what you will people but please keep it to yourselves.
Posted by Eric Von Zipper at May 26, 2007 02:47 PM | TrackBack