May 30, 2007

Tinky Winky!

It seems that Poland was so lost for something to do that they are now investigating "Tinky Winky" of the Teletubbies. A woman by the name of "Ewa Sowinska" who is a children's right watchdog is concerned that the show promotes Homosexuality. I don't know about you but I have actually watched that show both straight and stoned and it is one weird freaky show. Didn't they catch Jerry Falwell jacking off while watching Tinky Winky strut his/her stuff? Not really sure but he has his panties all in a bunch over it.

Teletubbies has been on the air for about ten years to the delight of spaced out children all over the world. As for you adults, take the time to smoke a joint and watch the show. You will come away with one question, did I really see what I just saw?

Blow your mind................

Posted by Eric Von Zipper at May 30, 2007 09:44 AM | TrackBack

I hate the Teletubbies!They make a person feel more retarded than that person already is!LOL
I think the homosexuality thing is a bit taken out of context but for chriest sakes someone teach them f**kers how to speak normal!LOL

Posted by: The Brat at May 30, 2007 11:02 AM

The vaccum cleaner sux's too. :-)

Posted by: sompopo at May 30, 2007 12:28 PM